Thursday, August 16, 2018

I'm Out of Blogger Purgatory!

I have been languishing in "Blogger Pergatory for the past 21 months. Today, I got sprung!

Those who know me well know that I am nearly functionally illiterate when it comes to technology and all things cyber.  Something happened in late October 2016 that kept me from signing in to this very blog - the one I had used since 2007.  Being unable to sign in, I tried to change my password. That was my first big mistake. The email address that Blogger had on record had been changed twice, but I had never notified them or changed it on my account.  I didn't know how. So now, with a mish-mush of trying to change passwords, correct email addresses, and verifying cell phone numbers , I somehow created two or three new Google accounts. Things went downhill quickly and I ended up hopelessly  lost.  Eventually, after days of trying to dig myself out - and only getting deeper,  I gave up all hope on trying to get back on this blog site. 

So, I attempted to create a new blogger account - but the various Google accounts I had created, the outdated email addresses, and who knows what else I had done, kept me from starting a new account on this platform.

Failing the ability to get into the familiar blogging vehicle, I thought I would try to start a new blog with another provider. Big mistake, and I will spare you the circus that surrounded those attempts.

Finally, today, in my office, with the tireless effort of my Student Ministry Pastor, Buck Buchanan, I am free!  Buck is a normal whizzbang when it comes to all things involving social media and computers in general.  But this one stretched him to unusual limits of frustration.  It took him a good while to untangle it all today, but untangle it, eventually he did!  I am back on "For What It's Worth" and for that, I am happier than a pig in mud.

Just thinking of all I have missed out on in my little corner of the blogosphere over this nearly two year absence is mind numbing to me!  Two SBC annual meetings, local and national politics, sporting events and related stories, ministry experiences, two Christmas seasons, theological issues, a battle with a rare and aggressive skin cancer and other health issues, and most importantly, all of the bragging opportunities on my five phenomenal grandsons - I have had no outlet!

But I am out of "blogger purgatory" now - and with an oiled up keyboard and an itch to express myself (in more than 140 characters) I'm an excited old Pastor - to say the least.

I'm Baaaacccck and I hope you will follow along.

Just help me pray that I don't accidentally misplace my password, inadvertently create any new Google accounts, or change my email address!